пʼятниця, 3 грудня 2010 р.

Music practice


I enjoy using the web site http://www.justinguitar.com with free video lessons either for beginners or skilled guitar players. There are some useful basic techniques and perfect song covers performed by Justin Sandercoe. Besides, while watching the lessons one is listening to the native English speaker and can pick up some terms connected with playing music. I am really satisfied with Justin's explanations and comments.
So if you are searching for good and pleasant video guitar lessons, it is the best option, in my opinion (though I am not a professional of course).

вівторок, 23 листопада 2010 р.

Essay: Shopping

Nowadays shopping is almost ubiquitous due to our developed urban civilization. It is not only satisfying basic needs of consumers, but is becoming a world-wide obsession.
There are numerous types of retail establishments which cater for a wide range of customers with different backgrounds and ages. Among them there are department stores, convenience stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets and so on. There are a number of advantages of shopping in these big stores. It stands to reason that it is much more convenient to buy all you need at once than to look for different kinds of shops, which can be rather tiresome. Besides, the prices are usually reasonable and intended for the general public. So it is obvious that shopping in big modern stores is sensible.
However, it could be argued that this way of shopping is ideal and suitable for all the situations, as there are certain disadvantages. One can admit the lack of variety of some specific types of goods. Therefore it is more likely to purchase them in specialized stores. For example, in antique shops, boutiques, and gift shops the public can find unique goods. Some stores sell secondhand goods. Fortunately, traditional small shops such as bakery, grocery, florist’s, book stores still have their customers.
As for the process of shopping itself, I would like to stress that there is a tendency of exaggerating its importance. Where it was once for the necessities of life, on our daily basis, shopping is now a hobby or even addiction which devours much time and money. It especially concerns large retail chains which serve as the means of the economic expansion. Today’s attitude towards shopping proves the ecstasy of consumption.

Universally speaking

Where's your will to be weird? 

A vain desire for purity and transcendence...
Disorderly magic 

While reading some articles devoted to the band "Joy Division" and its leader Ian Curtis, I came across the deep  understanding of the phenomenon of rock'n'roll and its appeal
rock and roll, the very real greedy myth of it, the sly shifting life of it, loves early death and gaudy sacrifice. The rock and roll myth, the sensation of it, loves death as the lions loved Christians. At the extremes of desire, death proves rock and roll, certifies its acts of rebellion. 

I've read the following essay and I could't help admiring the author's style of writing, esoterism and abundance of allusions.

There are things known and things unknown and in between are the doors. 
Jim Morrison